Category: Nature

  • Green on St. Patrick’s Day.

    The past several months I have been focusing on helping my parent’s pack up their house. Last Friday was a 12 hour move day and Saturday we started to unpack many of the boxes at their new apartment. After those two intense days, Ryan and I agreed we needed to get back to the cabin….

  • Signs of Spring

    Sprouts and plantings While I know it is too early to get spring fever, the daffodils in the area are starting to bloom, way too early, due to our unseasonably warm weather. With that I am happy to report the daylilies that I transplanted from my yard in the fall are starting poke through the…

  • November in the woods…

    Sometimes we visit the cabin to get projects done. Other times it is more of an escape from the rest of the world. It’s been a great comfort to me lately. Ryan, Liam, Ron and Alison rented an AirBnB down the road during the opening days of hunting season. Rascal had another visit to the…

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