Category: Cabin Renovation

  • Prior to cleaning…

    What the cabin looked like when we bought it. Truth be told we put a contract on the property one day before we were able to get inside the cabin. But we had been to the property and walked around it pretty throughly. We checked out the structure from the outside and then when we…

  • Chopping wood…

    December was mild enough for us to visit the property once Liam got home from college. We stopped and baought some winter rye to spead on our slope to try to prevent erosion. We have also ordered five founds of a specaily prepared WV Slope Mix from Ernst Seeds that we need to spread as…

  • November in the woods…

    Sometimes we visit the cabin to get projects done. Other times it is more of an escape from the rest of the world. It’s been a great comfort to me lately. Ryan, Liam, Ron and Alison rented an AirBnB down the road during the opening days of hunting season. Rascal had another visit to the…

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