Category: WV Cabin

  • Digging of holes

    Digging of holes

    The start of the outhouse and drainage ditch. The first part of April was spent finishing up work at my parent’s house and the second half we felt like we could take break and spend some time in West Virginia. The ferns were spiraling up and out. Everything is greening up and the trees Ryan…

  • Green on St. Patrick’s Day.

    The past several months I have been focusing on helping my parent’s pack up their house. Last Friday was a 12 hour move day and Saturday we started to unpack many of the boxes at their new apartment. After those two intense days, Ryan and I agreed we needed to get back to the cabin….

  • Etsy Shop and so much more!

    A quick little update on my new Etsy shop…. I opened an Etsy shop over a couple of weeks ago and have sold three separate items. First let me thank Amy for being my first customer! The other two have been strangers who found me via Facebook Marketplace. My plan with the Etsy shop is…

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