Category: WV Cabin

  • Signs of Spring

    Sprouts and plantings While I know it is too early to get spring fever, the daffodils in the area are starting to bloom, way too early, due to our unseasonably warm weather. With that I am happy to report the daylilies that I transplanted from my yard in the fall are starting poke through the…

  • Everything and the Kitchen Sink

    A shopping and reconnaissance trip A couple of weeks ago Ryan and I decided to use a day off with a trip to a few antique stores. We discovered three stores that we had never been to . Our first stop was in Berryville, Virginia at a place called Local Wood. We actually followed the…

  • Insulation Installation

    We were able to take advantage of the 55* weather in January and worked at the property. I began the installation of the bubble foil that we purchased from Energy Efficient Solutions after watching a video by The Boss of The Swamp. We have the unique situation of coming to this structure mid-build and working…

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