Insulation Installation

We were able to take advantage of the 55* weather in January and worked at the property. I began the installation of the bubble foil that we purchased from Energy Efficient Solutions after watching a video by The Boss of The Swamp. We have the unique situation of coming to this structure mid-build and working with what we have. It’s a well built cabin even though it is about thirty years old. Our plan is to insulate under the cabin floor with this radiant bubble foil and then create a skirting around the structure and insulate inside as well. One reason this product is appealing is because it discourages critters from chewing it and using it for nesting material.

Insulation installation

I only was able to put up six panels of the bubble foil insulation out of the 19 that need to be installed. Each insulation panel took me 12 minutes to install and due to the warm weather I was working in squishy mud. I am 1/3 through and if you were to look at the cabin from the front made it to the right pillar.

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