Signs of Spring

Sprouts and plantings

While I know it is too early to get spring fever, the daffodils in the area are starting to bloom, way too early, due to our unseasonably warm weather. With that I am happy to report the daylilies that I transplanted from my yard in the fall are starting poke through the soil. I love daylilies and hope that this time next year some of the daffodils that may be mixed in will emerge too.

In the meantime, Ryan planted some trees on the ridge as well continuing to cut up a fallen tree behind the cabin. I finally finished working on the bubble foil install under the house. I got filthy as I was the area of the cabin that was closest to the ground and it was especially tight to move around. Midway through I stopped using the cardboard sheet I had used to lie on while I stapled the insulation under the floor and just crawled through the dirt. When I got home I found dirt in my ears, nose and even clear down my underpants.

We are happy to see tiny sprouts emerging from the seeding we did this winter. It may be winter rye, which we are using as a cover crop or hopefully the West Virginia slope mix we spread on December 16. You can see Ryan studying the sprouts very closely, which was caught by what I call our “spy camera”. We have photographed a good number of foxes, some deer, opossum and raccoons on the camera but no bears yet.

What’s next at the cabin?

Some of our next steps for our cabin renovation are deciding how to go about replacing the windows and doors. Here are some interior photos of what we are working with. The doors are probably too small and need to be replaced with an actual exterior door to keep the weather out. The cabin itself needs a lot more light so replacing some of the windows with larger windows is an option. We also plan to put in more than the six that are already in place.

In addition to what we are doing at the cabin I have recently set up an Etsy shop to help fund our cabin renovation as well as off-load some family heirlooms that have either been in storage or no longer serve us. Everything is vintage and some items may go back to the 1930s. That’s almost 100 years old! Check it out!

Thank you to Amy for being my first customer. AndreasPoint

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